To be a successful marketer, you have to keep your audience engaged. But engaging customers, or interacting with your audience to create an emotional connection with your product or brand,…
Companies large and small rely on email marketing to reach customers, increase brand awareness and make sales. But some businesses are more successful with their marketing campaigns than others. Why…
The over-arching goal of marketing can easily get overshadowed with the details, the numbers, the never-ending content demands. Still, every once in a while, marketers need to step back and…
It’s a fact – split testing increases conversions… But in order to take full advantage of this powerful method, you have to fully understand what it is AND know what…
A sales funnel, also sometimes referred to as a purchase or revenue funnel, is a consumer-focused marketing model which maps out the theoretical journey a customer takes towards the purchase…
The concept of response rate is pretty easy, and it’s not a difficult metric to calculate. But how do you define a response? What constitutes a ‘good’ versus a bad…
What is UX Design? UX, or user experience, is just what it sounds like – the experience one has interacting with an object. UX principles ensure that a design is functional…
Most landing pages are just plain lousy… From too many calls-to-action to a lack of focus that results in no actual conversions, most landing pages need help. So, how do…