Everyone has a smartphone now. You need to take advantage of this by adjusting your email marketing initiatives to account for the prevalence of mobile devices, while also incorporating social in order to improve response rates. Here's how th two are inter-related. Read more..
When you're seeking advice about email marketing tips to engage potential customers, you'll find that some advice is based on myths and anecdotes or outdated data. When creating your own email marketing strategies – you have to do what you think will get prospects more excited than third-graders on their last day of school. Here are 11 common email marketing myths debunked.
Which is more important – a great subject line, or a fantastic graphic design and witty content? Will having more links in your email increase your email response rate, or decrease it? We'll explain in this 'Email Writing Tips' webinar .
Based on analysis of 100's of millions of B2B emails and thousands of email campaigns that have recently been sent through Pinpointe's email marketing platform, we'll cover specific writing tips that will help you to improve email response rates. First, we'll break the email down into sections, including the subject, send-from, introduction, body and signature. Then we'll cover email writing tips for each section to explain what you can do to maximize responses.
Join us in this 50 minute on-demand Webinar, where we cover:
- The Top 9 Best / Worst Performing Email Subjects
- What content should all good emails have in common?
- Optimizing your Subject Line
- Embedded Link analysis – how to optimize links in your email
The accompanying slides and Q and A summary are below… And hey, please Diggit, Fave or Tweet about it!
Embedding Video In Email – Overview
With the continuing growth of email, we're seeing an uptick in email customers asking about embedding video in email. This led us to head off and investigate a few different questions:
- Can video be embedded in email?
- If Video can be embedded – how exactly do you do it?
- How / when to use video in email – will your recipients care?
- The future of Video in email
We'll cover each of these in a series of posts.
Can Video be Embedded in Email?
There are a handful of possible ways to embed video with an email – here's a quick rundown of the possibilities:
The 2012 Marketing Channel and Engagement Benchmark Survey found 63% of respondents cited email as the channel offering the best ROI in terms of leads.
Pinpointe and Tamara Gielen covers key email marketing trends for 2013, and provides an action plan on how to take your email marketing strategy to the next level with email autoresponders and lead nurturing. This webinar provides practical examples of triggered email sequences and autoresponders you need to implement to nurture leads and increase conversions.
Pinpointe and Bob Bly, noted Internet strategist, prolific author and successful copywriter explains proven strategies to generate leads with your permission-based, opt-in email list. This event focuses on generating and converting leads with permission-based email marketing. You’ll leave this webinar with tips to generate twice as many leads at half the cost.
You’ll Learn:
Join Pinpointe and our special guest presenter, Jon Rognerud to learn 'How to Make Search Engines Work For You.' Jon is a noted Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expert and author of 'The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Optimization'. In this information-packedwebinar, Jon will show you several low cost ways to improve your 'natural search' traffic to your website. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN…
Watch Webinar This is our third in a series of webinars for your business email marketing. Based on analysis of thousands of Business to Business email campaigns and a few…