Email Split Testing – Pinpointe skip to Main Content

Automatically Find the Best Performing Campaign

Pinpointe’s powerful split testing gives you yet another way to optimize your email results. With split testing, you can create multiple variations of your email campaign and have Pinpointe automatically select a random sample set, and send the email variations in equal parts. Pinpointe is not limited to a basic A vs. B comparison.  Pinpointe’s split testing is super-flexible, so you can test as many different variations at a time as you like.

Select a few variations of your email to run and test. Next, select a sample size from your list. Pinpointe will then send the variations a randomly selected sample (10% in the example here).

split testing setup

Here’s where it gets cool.  Pinpointe will calculate the winning email variation based on clicks or opens, and then send the winner to the rest of your list after a predefined period of time – automatically!  Customers typically see a 20% – 100% improvement in results.  Download out split testing case studies.

Split Testing - GraphResults

You can also view, export and print a complete report about the performance of your split testing, including click and open rates for each email variation:

Things you can test with Pinpointe’s Split testing:

  • Try different subject lines to determine which variation works best
  • Compare different email design layouts. Does adding a graphic header improve your results?
  • What time of day and day of the week is best for sending your campaign?
  • What “From” name will people respond to most?
  • Will more recipients open if they see your company name, or do they prefer personal names from sales reps they know? Or should you use both?
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