Permission-Based Email Marketing – Pinpointe skip to Main Content

What is 'permission-based' or Opt-in Email Marketing?

Pinpointe only permits sending permission-based email or opt-in email campaigns to your clients, customers, colleagues and contacts who have explicitly given permission to you or who have explicitly subscribed ('opted in") to receive email communication from you or your company or your website. Permission from your subscribers is a mandatory requirement for legitimate and successful email marketing.

An opt-in subscriber is someone who expressly requests to receive emails from you, your company or your website, thereby giving you permission to send them email campaigns through Pinpointe.

Non-Permission-Based (or 'Opt-Out') Email

'Opt-out' email campaigns are not permitted at Pinpointe. Opt-out email means that you purchase contacts, trade contacts, use 'website scraping' tools or other ways to build a list of email contacts (who have likely never heard of you or your company) and send your email campaigns, while including an option to 'opt-out' of receiving future emails. As you can see, a list broker or database company cannot sell you a 'permission-based' or opt-in list of email contacts, since the contacts could not have possibly given the list vendor permission to send to your list.

Non-Permission Emails: Don't Get Trapped

Here's why non permission-based email campaigns can get your company in trouble. SPAM filters analyze several factors to decide whether to deliver your email campaign to the recipient's inboxes. The top 3 factors taken into effect are-

  • The number of hard bounces (invalid email addresses)
  • Recipient complaints (clicking 'this is spam' when receiving your email)
  • Hitting Spamtraps – Often, invalid or old addresses are re-purposed by spam filtering companies and blacklists into 'spamtraps' or 'honeypots' – active email addresses that are maintained for the sole purpose of tracking and catching potential spammers. Simply put, a spamtrap can't 'opt-in' to your email list because it isn't associated with a real person.

Based on a ton of studies, recipients are at least 4x more likely to report your unsolicited, non-opt in email as spam than an email they requested. High spam complaints leads to almost instant email reputation decline which kills your email response (and our email reputation)

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